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It need not weigh your mind


Referring Mind-Body Messages:

“What does my body has to say, when I have a constant weight of around 45 kgs at the age of 24, which is quite less when compared to others?

“I am fine with my body. But I have a lot of people criticizing my body type and saying I will disappear one day. I don’t understand if I should be worried and upset about it”.


If you are fine forget about what others say about you.


Refer the link to more about Crab Apple:

A Sound Financial Plan

Creation of Wealth

When you find yourself with insufficient money, try to find new sources, ways – sources by which you can earn more:

  • ELM and OAK – for inadequacy of mind to think ways of improving finance; to think differently
  • GORSE – if you have no hopes or if you think to all sources are exhausted, feeling hopeless of getting any additional money
  • LARCH – to be more confident of creating wealth

If you are in business:

  • Think how to add more value to the products or add other products of more value.

If you are in job, ask simply:

  • “How can I add more value to my work”,
  • “What I had to do so that I am wanted more”,
  • “How will I make my job more valuable” and
  • “How will I contribute 100%”.

When you say or think that I am already working more than 16 hours – take OAK + OLIVE + HORNBEAM to work smartly and finish in less time.

If you are in business, or a salesman, ask yourself:

“How can I reach more in less time” or

“How can I reach more customers” then


Have a plan to spend and invest

Suddenly an advertisement comes and we spend carried away by it and regret later.

Not to do any impulsive purchase – CHERRY PLUM + HONEY SUCKLE

Or stop spending all when there is money – WILD ROSE

Enjoy your wealth

  1. Thank divine, your work, office everyday for your earning.
  2. Thank your expenses
  3. Stop your feeling of jealousy about the rich and come out of it by saying “ I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, LOVE THANK DIVINE”
  4. Find out your beliefs about money and release them
  5. Chant the Switch Words – “TOGETHER FIND COUNT DIVINE NOW”
  6. Do the Mudras – ACCEPTANCE MUDRA and VITALITY MUDRA, each for 15 minutes.
  7. Daily morning – rotate all the 7 chakras clock-wise by intending “Keep rotating clockwise at optimum speed.”

When you have too much worry and confusion about finance, take WHITE CHESTNUT + SCLERANTHUS + RESCUE REMEDY in the night.

Try the following on each day and find which combination gives you the money you want or require:

MORNING    – one combination each day and repeat


MIMULUS, RUBY (2nd day)

MIMULUS, CAT’S EYE (3rd day)


Daily afternoon to evening


Daily night


Pink Tourmaline, Ruby, Cat’s Eye, and Diamond are Gem Remedies and available only at the centre. The rest of the remedies mentioned are Bach Flower Remedies, which are available in the Homeopathy Shops also.

Denying Pleasures

Don’t Take Words Literally

Mummy commented: “I thought Naran was a very humble man but looks like he is a hypocrite after all!! Typical Indian mentality”:

Naran S Balakumar

Go beyond the meaning of the word

You don’t know what you know! Know what you don’t know!!

Every word in every language is sacred.

Go beyond any word “uttered”.

Every word will reveal its hidden message given by the divine at that time, if you mediate on that word.

Outwardly the word’s meaning is different. Inwardly, it has a different objective meaning.

Every word used in life has two purposes:

  1. Communication
  2. Inner Divine Message to the listener

After reading the comment by Mummy…

I was chanting “Hypocrite” for over 10 minutes.

I opened a dictionary for understanding the meaning beyond this word.

The meaning reminded me of Gita – He, who restrains his organs of action but continues to indulge in mind brooding over the objects of sense, is considered a man of false conduct(chapter 3 Sloka 6).

Another facet of Rock Water and Chestnut Bud

After reading this, I have found another facet of Bach flower remedy ROCK WATER and CHESTNUT BUD.

This reveals a new aspect of flower Rock Water.

It is immaterial whether one carries out his desires through (senses) action or not.

Rock water is needed for person who is brooding or indulging in thoughts of vice – sexual thoughts even though outwardly they are not doing the action.

Mental indulgence in sex happens mainly in two phases – old age and adolescence.

For restraining masturbation and looking at pornography pictures take the remedies ROCK WATER and CHESTNUT BUD.

Rock Water can be considered for people who deny themselves any pleasure in actions.

My salutations to Rock water and Chestnut bud!!!

Thank you Mummy for using the “word” Hypocrite on Indians.

Thank you Divine Mother for your grace.

The reason why Chestnut bud is also considered here will be discussed in next communication. 

How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed?

Read the first part of the article here:

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part II

Flower remedies are selected based on our (negative) state of mind.

  • If there is fear there are four remedies – MIMULUS, ASPEN, RED CHESTNUT and ROCK ROSE. If a person has a fear then we need to give one of these remedies based on the type of fear.
  • If there is worry then give WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, PINE, or HONEY SUCKLE, as per the expression.
  • Want to focus and concentration: CLEMATIS. If somebody says, “I want to be focused” then give them Clematis. If he wants concentration too then add CHESTNUT BUD to it.

How do we handle Anger?

  • BEECH is a person who criticise others. He will only find faults pointing out the mistakes of others.
  • WILLOW has resentment about life and others.
  • CHICORY is also an angry person. He thinks that nobody does anything to him, even though he did so many things for others. Thus, he is angry at the ingratitude of others.
  • HOLLY is an embodiment of rage and hatred.
  • VINE: if he gets angry he will work towards taking revenge. Holly and Vine are always together.
  • CHERRY PLUM: he will lose control of himself. When he gets angry he will throw things. It’s a misplaced anger at an acute state level. He might be angry at somebody. However, he will show the same at somebody else.

Other States of Mind

  • Self-pride and ego: WATER VIOLET. He has a superiority complex.
  • Desire to change and control other person is VERVAIN.

Beech and Vervain will come together. They are called as mixed personalities. We say child has to be like this and advise them, “don’t do this” and “don’t do that”. Beech will find fault, while Vervain desires to change others. Whenever you want to change the child, take Vervain then.

  • Sadness: GENTIAN is a pessimistic person. For example, before he goes out, he is worried what will happen. Say, what if gets stuck in a traffic jam. He will always have negative approach to life. Any small setback will upset him greatly. He tends to have a negative outlook about life.
  • Hopelessness: GORSE: I tried a lot of things. I don’t know whether it will work. Nothing seems to work for him. He loses his hope and therefore, does not have any trust either.
  • When anyone says, “I can’t”, Larch will make him say “I can“. To have confidence in oneself Larch is the remedy. It is almost a specific remedy in any competition.

Gentian is skeptical, while Gorse would try many and finally loses hope.

You are trying to go somewhere, either by train, bus or plane. At that time you think it is not possible to get a ticket. If you take Gorse, it (hopelessness state) can be changed to joyful state. You will get a ticket.

“I want miracle to happen in my life”, when anyone says this, give them Gorse, because they are in the negative state of Gorse.

  • SWEET CHESTNUT: doctors give only 24 hours lifeline for your dear one. Therefore, you feel a tremendous need to pray for divine intervention.

In fact, as long as we are seeing doctors, we won’t go near divinity. Only when the doctor says the situation is hopeless, then we focus on God. We may start chanting Vishnu Sahsaranamam. You may have desire to be spiritual. However, we don’t remember god until the critical time.

  • WILD ROSE: he has no interest in life. Apathy sets in. He becomes indifferent, resigning to the life situations. It’s neither sadness nor happiness. That’s apathy, as he is not bothered about what happens around him.
  • STAR OF BETHLEHEM: for accidents, shock, trauma. It is a great soother of physical and emotional pains. It is a must in all those situations.
  • MUSTARD: I need to see light in my life as my whole life is in darkness. I don’t know where to go.

The patients have to say the above words and based on that you can give the remedies. All the words mentioned for the remedies should come from the horse’s mouth. Their own expressions are important. 

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part I

Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

There are 39 Bach Flower Remedies.

They can play a very important role in a person’s life.

First of all we need to understand that:

  • We are not the mind
  • We are not our thoughts
  • We are not our emotions
  • We are above that.
  • That means I can watch my reaction and able to say, ‘I feel angry’, ‘I am worrying now’ and so on. This technique of self observation has to come to you.

Why I need to observe myself?

The moment you start watching the mind, the mind will stop its normal course of reacting automatically.

How our mind exists? It exists due to our thoughts and emotions.

When you start observing your thoughts and emotions, your mind will stop thinking. Therefore, it will not exist to influence us.

How do I practice this self-observation?

What are the steps to analyze our mind?

  • Whenever something happens, talk to yourself, “This is what is happening to me. This is my thought. And these are my emotions”.
  • In addition, ask a question, “Can I change my reaction”. This simple question will change your reaction.
  • Our reactions are automatic. When we change it, the result has to be different. How?

When your reaction is ‘A’ result ‘B’ happens. When you change your reaction to ‘C’, result ‘B’ cannot happen. It has to change.

Are there any tools available to change our reactions

Why should I change my actions in a different way? Is there is any help available to me for me to change effortlessly?

Yes, it is available in the form of Bach Flower Remedies. Just by taking the Bach Flower Remedies in the form of pills you can achieve the following:

  • Reduce your anger, violence and worries.
  • Establish harmony and make your life peaceful.
  • By all means, achieve anything and resolve any type of problem.

A Chance to Receive the BLESSING of My LIFE


Basically the circumstances don’t change but our perception of it changes. We realize it is 99% of the problem. Once the changes happen (inside us), then things outside also changes. My story convinces of this fact. Thanks.

About a month back I went on a trip. During this time something unexpected and miraculous happened.

I have always been timid and reticent throughout my life. Never speak much to people, never been in a romantic relationship. Always been a solitary person.

On this particular day I met a girl from another country and we started talking. We felt so comfortable with each other that we stayed together for the whole day and then the next, parting only to sleep or other essentials. It was unbelievable. It felt like we knew each other from a long time.

Things moved forward and a person who had been alone, timid and anonymous all through his life fell in love. It snowballed into a physical relationship the next day and an unprotected one at that. It was unexpected, unplanned and felt pure and right at the time.

We parted on the fourth day, very sad and confused at what the future would bring. After coming back the feeling of togetherness gave way to darker feelings,

I was savaged by pangs of guilt and then fear that because of the unprotected nature of things, I may have caught something and I deserve it for what I had done. It is a sin, something wrong. It became a demon on my mind. I could neither sleep nor work.

Finally when I could bear it no longer I called Naran. He was kind and non-judgmental (my deep gratitude to him), and asked me to take the Bach Flower Remedies MIMULUS, PINE and HONEY SUCKLE.

I began taking the pills as instructed and after a few days my whole mood changed. It was amazing.

I realized that I was operating from a position of fear, guilt and anxiety – all of which were tarnishing such a beautiful gift that I had received.

In a few days she got in touch with me, against all my notions and came down and spent the rest of her trip at my city.

We got to know each other much better and we realized that we are probably are soul mates and although we are from different religions, language, nationality etc we are at peace with each other. 

I am so glad I was able to rise above the narrow and diminishing feelings of fear, guilt and anxiety and stay present to the wonderful person, experience and gift that I had got. If I had continued like that I may have lost a chance to accept a great blessing in my life!

Thank you, thank you dear Naran. God bless you and the Bach flower remedies!!!

Now we continue to stay in touch over Skype and I plan to visit her in her country. Naran has asked me to take the Bach Flower Remedies SCLERANTHUS and SWEET CHESTNUT to help guide me if she is the right life partner for me. So I feel much at peace knowing I have divine guidance to prevent me from making a wrong decision.

I am so grateful for everything!!

Deep Gratitude and Warm regards

She is the God-Send Angel to Help Her Husband


A friend’s husband is interested in another woman. Can you please help with switch words so that she can bring him back?


Ask her to love herself deeply.

Let her have faith in God.

Ask her to thank god for sending this person to her so that she has got a chance to mend him.

Ask her not to regret what is happening.

Ask her not to blame.

Ask her not to think this as karmic.

Ask her to think that this chance is given to her – as god considers her special – to mend him.

Pray and pray – prayer can move mountains.

Daily in the morning, around 5 am, ask her to talk to him mentally, what all she wants to put in his mind. Let she talk mentally with love and kindness, thinking God is besides her directing her.

Let her send lots of love (pink) energy to her husband and that girl.

Close the meditation with the affirmation, “Oh! Divine Order! Re-align him (husband) and (that girl) her to your flow so that both of them understand and come out of their entanglement.”



Mustard, Holly and Chicory are Bach flower remedies, while Find and Divine Order are switch words.

Mustard: to come out of the problem (darkness) and find a solution (light)

Holly: to come out of rage and to re-align with husband

Chicory: for possessiveness and attachment

Find Divine Order: to find a solution and (divine) order in life

How to handle sexual harassments?


What to do about sexual harassment from strangers/men? How to avoid unwanted attention and have peace of mind in areas around my home?


Do the forgiving exercise. You can say “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE”.


Interestingly, I only said this a few times and the harassers have decided to move about 100 meters from where they usually gather. One of them even tried to be nice to me. They occasionally come near but mostly the problem has alleviated.

Now there is a remaining fear that I might encounter men again. How can I clear this completely?




Fear attracts what we fear. So the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus is prescribed to handle our known fears.

The “I am sorry” mantra breaks the unwanted connection from us and the harassers.

Got a job within first week of placement


Placements are happening in my college. But it seems that I am not able to crack neither the written exam nor interview. I try to study everything. But I don’t know. I am not able to do well. I can’t even solve the questions.

I feel very dishearten when people see me as if I am very poor mind and pity on me. However, I can constantly overcome these feelings.

But I want a job this year. Crack all the tests of companies and interviews and also do very good in academics also. I try to study but nothing I understand correctly once and it takes lot of time to complete a topic.



398: write it in a paper and keep it under the pillow.

Shuchi (after a week)

Thank you I got a very good job. Amazingly that too in first week of placement. I could have never thought of that……. Thank you…….It was really a miracle for me…


WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN, WILD ROSE: Bach flower remedies for interview

398: for the exam

Job Mantras

I have never been in the same job for more than 10 months. Either, I change project within the same company, so going to a different location or completely shifting to another company. Due to this, I always feel unsettled and unstable.


Take the following remedies:

  • SCLERANTHUS: The unsteady mind will always have an unsettled life. One day you have the desire to go for the job. The very next day you have resistance to go to the job (changeable mood or mood swings). Scleranthus will give you a steady and stable mind, and helps you settle down.
  • HORNBEAM: Of course steadiness in the job for 10-15 years doesn’t indicate growth. You need to move forward in life.
  • ROCK ROSE: To have determination and commitment and a “never-say-die spirit”
  • WALNUT: You would have taken this pattern from one of your parents or ancestors. To break the pattern, Walnut is needed.
  • The fifth could be any one of the following three, based on your mental states:
    • Gentian: To be upbeat and optimistic in all circumstances
    • Willow: if you have resentment and feel that your counter-parts or juniors are doing better, even though you are better qualified.
    • Larch: if you think others are smart and more capable than in utilizing their opportunities, while you are not (lack of confidence)

All remedies have to be taken separately; two pills each, with a gap of five minutes, and twice a day.

Chant the switch words:


Move on: now you are not in a job, so you need to move on,

Find Count Divine: to get a good salary

Job: Goal.