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Flowers are always special to me

From the Bach Flower Workshop, Bangalore 2013


Flowers are always special to me.  Bach Flowers are complete by itself.

I have been taking the Bach Flower Remedy workshops for last 12 years. Every time, when I go through my previous Bach Flower Manual, I arrive at some new avenues of flower remedies.

The manual that you are having in your hands was prepared for the last workshop at Hyderabad. However, I have prepared some new combinations for you. I have worked out some 30 plus combinations for various life situations. That’s specially prepared for you, which I haven’t shared with anybody so far. I am going to give that now to you in this class.

What’s the specialty of flower remedies?

Flower remedies are the only ones for healing our minds. May be there are so many techniques to address our minds and emotions. But nothing can be as specific as flower remedies.

Basically, we have got only four emotions – fear, worry, sadness or depression, and anger. We have only these four emotions. Yet, we are not able to handle any of our emotions by ourselves.

Advantages of using flower remedies

The one advantage of flower remedy is that if you identify the flower remedy correctly, even one dose is enough to effect the required change.  The disadvantage is most of the time we fail to identify the right remedies.

In spite of my 21 years of experience in prescribing flower remedies, even now, sometimes I feel after the exit of the patient, I could have given a different set of remedies.  On a later date, thinking about the case, I sometimes think I could have done this (instead of that).

Another advantage of the flower remedies is, even if you take the wrong remedies, nothing will happen. It mayn’t work for you. That’s it.

You can also use the flowers along with pranic healing also by keeping the flowers active in the pranic field. A no of pranic healers after learning flower remedies, have started using flower therapy also as pranic healing tool.

39 remedies

There are 39 flower remedies. Out of which one is a combination, which was suggested by Dr. Edward Bach himself.

He was alive during the 20th century. He travelled through the wild forests of England and found out about 38 remedies within a span of 10-12 years. By the time, he completed his research, it was around late 1930s, and he died.

When he died, he said the research was over. But his own disciple Dr. Bailey continued the research and came out with some more flower essences.  Currently, all over the world, there are more than 5000 essences available. But unfortunately, none of those flower essences are as specific as Bach Flowers.

These researchers say that these essences work like Bach Flowers and vice versa. For every flower essences they quote by comparing the Dr Bach flowers only. Even though, there are volumes of information about these essences, I never had any inclination to look into those flowers as Bach Flowers are complete and whole.

Related Blogs

A brief on Bach Flower Remedies:

How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed:

How to use Bach Flower Remedies:

Reaching for Love


Referring the blog:

Since morning I was thinking how will I let out my anger and was requesting divine to help me. And when I opened this blog today the first thing I saw is article on WILLOW.

I thank Naran for his blessings on us. When I start thinking of solution I bow to Naran in my heart and request him to guide me.

The Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW helps us to love those whom we don’t want to forgive.

Thank you WILLOW for reaching me and thank you Naran.

How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed?

Read the first part of the article here:

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part II

Flower remedies are selected based on our (negative) state of mind.

  • If there is fear there are four remedies – MIMULUS, ASPEN, RED CHESTNUT and ROCK ROSE. If a person has a fear then we need to give one of these remedies based on the type of fear.
  • If there is worry then give WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, PINE, or HONEY SUCKLE, as per the expression.
  • Want to focus and concentration: CLEMATIS. If somebody says, “I want to be focused” then give them Clematis. If he wants concentration too then add CHESTNUT BUD to it.

How do we handle Anger?

  • BEECH is a person who criticise others. He will only find faults pointing out the mistakes of others.
  • WILLOW has resentment about life and others.
  • CHICORY is also an angry person. He thinks that nobody does anything to him, even though he did so many things for others. Thus, he is angry at the ingratitude of others.
  • HOLLY is an embodiment of rage and hatred.
  • VINE: if he gets angry he will work towards taking revenge. Holly and Vine are always together.
  • CHERRY PLUM: he will lose control of himself. When he gets angry he will throw things. It’s a misplaced anger at an acute state level. He might be angry at somebody. However, he will show the same at somebody else.

Other States of Mind

  • Self-pride and ego: WATER VIOLET. He has a superiority complex.
  • Desire to change and control other person is VERVAIN.

Beech and Vervain will come together. They are called as mixed personalities. We say child has to be like this and advise them, “don’t do this” and “don’t do that”. Beech will find fault, while Vervain desires to change others. Whenever you want to change the child, take Vervain then.

  • Sadness: GENTIAN is a pessimistic person. For example, before he goes out, he is worried what will happen. Say, what if gets stuck in a traffic jam. He will always have negative approach to life. Any small setback will upset him greatly. He tends to have a negative outlook about life.
  • Hopelessness: GORSE: I tried a lot of things. I don’t know whether it will work. Nothing seems to work for him. He loses his hope and therefore, does not have any trust either.
  • When anyone says, “I can’t”, Larch will make him say “I can“. To have confidence in oneself Larch is the remedy. It is almost a specific remedy in any competition.

Gentian is skeptical, while Gorse would try many and finally loses hope.

You are trying to go somewhere, either by train, bus or plane. At that time you think it is not possible to get a ticket. If you take Gorse, it (hopelessness state) can be changed to joyful state. You will get a ticket.

“I want miracle to happen in my life”, when anyone says this, give them Gorse, because they are in the negative state of Gorse.

  • SWEET CHESTNUT: doctors give only 24 hours lifeline for your dear one. Therefore, you feel a tremendous need to pray for divine intervention.

In fact, as long as we are seeing doctors, we won’t go near divinity. Only when the doctor says the situation is hopeless, then we focus on God. We may start chanting Vishnu Sahsaranamam. You may have desire to be spiritual. However, we don’t remember god until the critical time.

  • WILD ROSE: he has no interest in life. Apathy sets in. He becomes indifferent, resigning to the life situations. It’s neither sadness nor happiness. That’s apathy, as he is not bothered about what happens around him.
  • STAR OF BETHLEHEM: for accidents, shock, trauma. It is a great soother of physical and emotional pains. It is a must in all those situations.
  • MUSTARD: I need to see light in my life as my whole life is in darkness. I don’t know where to go.

The patients have to say the above words and based on that you can give the remedies. All the words mentioned for the remedies should come from the horse’s mouth. Their own expressions are important. 

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part I

Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

There are 39 Bach Flower Remedies.

They can play a very important role in a person’s life.

First of all we need to understand that:

  • We are not the mind
  • We are not our thoughts
  • We are not our emotions
  • We are above that.
  • That means I can watch my reaction and able to say, ‘I feel angry’, ‘I am worrying now’ and so on. This technique of self observation has to come to you.

Why I need to observe myself?

The moment you start watching the mind, the mind will stop its normal course of reacting automatically.

How our mind exists? It exists due to our thoughts and emotions.

When you start observing your thoughts and emotions, your mind will stop thinking. Therefore, it will not exist to influence us.

How do I practice this self-observation?

What are the steps to analyze our mind?

  • Whenever something happens, talk to yourself, “This is what is happening to me. This is my thought. And these are my emotions”.
  • In addition, ask a question, “Can I change my reaction”. This simple question will change your reaction.
  • Our reactions are automatic. When we change it, the result has to be different. How?

When your reaction is ‘A’ result ‘B’ happens. When you change your reaction to ‘C’, result ‘B’ cannot happen. It has to change.

Are there any tools available to change our reactions

Why should I change my actions in a different way? Is there is any help available to me for me to change effortlessly?

Yes, it is available in the form of Bach Flower Remedies. Just by taking the Bach Flower Remedies in the form of pills you can achieve the following:

  • Reduce your anger, violence and worries.
  • Establish harmony and make your life peaceful.
  • By all means, achieve anything and resolve any type of problem.

Resentment Created an Accident

Anger Eraser Part I

An accident that was blessing in disguise

Everybody will have at least one major turning point in their life, sometimes more than one. I had one too in the form of an accident, in 2005.

Without going to the details of the accident, I wanted to share my experiences, related to my healing during that period.

Minor diseases in plenty

Post-accident I was having severe cold, cough, dizziness’ and other minor ailments. The only issue is that after fixing one, I will get another. For example, if I took some remedies to fix my cold, immediately after fixing it, I will get dizziness. Then I will be immobile for two hours.

Once that is fixed soon after that, I will get dry cough and so on. This was proving quite annoying and uncomfortable for me. I was on sick leave for more than a month and nothing seems to be improving.

Resentment about my family members

One day on a flash, I told Naran that I have a deep resentment about my family members and I consider them unfair in relation with me.

Whether they are unfair or not or whether I am fair in saying doesn’t matter here. The point of the matter is that I have resentment and that has to be fixed.

So Balakumar asked me to take the Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW whenever I feel angry about my people. As soon as I started taking it, all my episodes of the diseases stopped to a greater extent. They did come, but at a minor scale.

Moral of the story

I need to be healed irrespective of my life situation to fix the problems – physical or social. What is required here is that I need to fix my mental state.

I did that. And it changed my life a lot.

Please refer this link to read about the second article in the series – “Remove My Angry Instinct – Anger Eraser Part II”:

A typical Rock water person

(Karthik, an executive manager of a leading actor, consulted Naran, S. Balakumar regarding the problems he is facing while working inside the film industry.)

Karthik: I am a disciplined person, remaining single all my life. I meet so many celebrities in the film world. You know very well that it is a place where there is no self-control, and no discipline on the part of the individuals.

(He means drinking habits, womanizing, telling lies for their own sake, cheating people and so on. A typical ROCK WATER surrounded by CHESTNUT BUDS! Where there is a jailor/cop there are prisoners inside the jail – in one and the same place!!!)

I need to maintain my self-control, to maintain my position, until the end of my career. I am already 50 years and I have to keep up my name (image) and my parents’ name in the midst of my current situation in the film industry. My father is a self-made man. It is my duty to keep up his name. I have good respect in the industry and I have to keep it up. Earning a good name is difficult, but more difficult to keep it.

Naran: What is your daily routine? And what do you want from me?

Karthik: I am a much disciplined man. I wake up around 5 a.m. Do my yoga and then do Pooja for about one hour. From 9 a.m. I will start seeing visitors. I will have lunch around 1pm. In the night, I will do meditation for one hour before going to sleep. For dinner I will have only fruits and milk.

Naran: For a man who takes only fruits and milk in the night, what is your (health) problem then?

Karthik: I have no problems. I just want to be more self-controlled and more disciplined?

Naran: Do you have the fear of losing control? (A Rock Water person, after 50 years of age, is afraid of losing control over his self-denial of sex!)

Karthik: Yes that fear is always there. I used to tell within, “I should never lose control

Naran: Do you get angry?

Karthik: Yes, I meet a lot of people – both good and bad, and so many liars. When I come across the bad people and liars, suddenly I will lose my temper and shout at them.

Naran: What do you feel then?

Karthik: I then feel ashamed of myself for getting angry.

Naran: What values you cherish most?

Karthik: Honesty, Dignity, Respect (motto: give respect and take respect), Speaking Truth. Unfortunately I am in a place it is full of liars, dishonest persons and cheaters. I give loan. I will never get it back.

(A Rock water person feels ashamed of himself, for getting angry. While a PINE person will feel guilty after the episode of anger. One more key word for Rock Water: Feeling Ashamed; Shameful.)

Karthik: I want to develop my spirituality further. My friend told me that you prescribe flowers for such endeavors.

Naran: You require remedies for what types of growth?

Karthik: Flower for my spiritual growth and anger.

(Anger is the one emotion which a Rock Water person will try hard to control, for it is below his dignity to get angry. So Rock water person will require CHERRY PLUM. Naran wanted to find out whether there is any Chestnut Bud quality in Karthik. So he asked a question.)

Naran: Do you have any other problem, like poor memory, for example? (A poor memory indicates Chestnut Bud)

Karthik: Yes my memory is very poor, which is one of the reasons for my anger. Is there any flower for that? Please give me that too.

(A typical Rock water person is of high discipline. He has self-control, dignity and honesty. He wants to be respected. Karthik has invited Chestnut Bud people around him. Rock Water is surrounded by Chestnut Bud.)

Prescription for Karthik

He wants remedy for losing self-control – CHERRY PLUM. He wants remedy for poor memory – CHESTNUT BUD. Of course, he has to take ROCK WATER as a type remedy.

For protection, he was asked to do Violet Flame prayer “I AM a Being of Violet Fire. I AM the Purity of God’s Creation!!!”

Bach Flower Remedies Combinations Discussed at Raj Bhavan Meeting

 Life Situation                                                    Remedies Suggested

For people to loose weight Oak, Crab Apple and Rock Water. Do Fire Mudra too (ring finger touching the base of the thumb on both hands). This will help you to reduce your weight.  You will be able to reduce 2 to 3 kg a month.
Whenever mothers are worried about the children Red Chestnut
Lazy and procrastinating Scleranthus, Hornbeam.
For pilgrimage tour Gorse and Clematis. You will have a wonderful trip.
For any skin problem Crab Apple.
So many things have to be done. However, time is short Elm, Rescue Remedy. Everything will be finished comfortably.
Creative ideas White Chestnut, Clematis
Fear of going to a doctor Mimulus
Abundance and prosperity Chicory, Gentian and Clematis
For the other person to be honest with you Chestnut bud
If you feel lonely Water Violet
For heart problem Elm, Oak and Olive: one dose will keep your heart healthy
Too much of anger, uncontrollable anger Holly, Willow and Rescue Remedy. This combination will tone down the anger of the persons involved.